Code Of Coduct
Amrik Kandola, Commercial Mediator and Ask Mediation Limited follow the EU Model Code of Conduct for Mediators. The EU Model Code of Conduct for Mediators can be accessed by using this link:
Please get in contact if you are not happy with any part of the service your receive from us or if you want to make a complaint and we will do our best to put things right. Anyone who receives a service from Ask Mediation Limited can make a complaint.
Our procedure for complaints is as follows:
Most issues can be resolved by a conversation. Please use the contact number on this website to call and speak to Amrik Kandola.
If speaking to Amrik does not work or if you prefer, set out the details of your complaint in writing. The easiest and quickest way to do this is by email. You can use the Contact page of this website or you can email direct to Please mark any such email with the heading "Complaint".
All complaints will be acknowledged within 5 working days of receipt.
We will aim to respond to the complaint within 28 days of the date we receive the complaint. During that period we may contact you to clarify any points or ask any questions. We will not exceed 28 days for responding to your complaint unless we contact you before expiry to explain why and/or to seek your permission to extend the period.
As part of the complaint handling procedure we/you may suggest a meeting with you/us. If a meeting is to take place you may bring someone with you.
If you are not satisfied with how your complaint has been handled by us you can refer the matter to the Civil Mediation Council ("the CMC") as final arbiter within one month of the conclusion of consideration of your complaint by us and in any event no later 6 months after the date of the events giving rise to the original complaint. Please address your complaint to the Registrar of the CMC at
Our overriding aim is to avoid complaints from arising through great service. However, if issues do arise by following the above procedure your complaint will be given full and fair consideration and you will receive a detailed response in an efficient and timely manner. Our aim will always be to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction.
We want your feedback on how well we are doing. We encourage feedback. We will review all feedback we receive, positive and/or constructive, and if appropriate we will use this feedback to improve our future service delivery.